Icons for products
Icons are graphical symbols or images used to convey specific care instructions or features related to a product.
These icons provide customers with a quick and visual way to understand how to care for or use a product.
The Icons administration screen can be accessed from the admin sidebar under Webshop → Icons.
- Name - The name of the icon, visible only on the administration page.
- Icon - The graphic associated with the entry. This icon will appear on the product details page.
- To search for an icon, simply type its name into the search bar and click the "magnifying glass" icon.
- By clicking the "edit" button, store owners can modify existing icons.
- If an icon is no longer needed, store owners can delete it by clicking the "trash" icon.
- New icons can be created at any time by clicking the "Add New" button.
Adding or Editing Icons
- Name (Language) - The name of the icon must be provided for each language used in the store.
- Description (Language) - A short description of the icon in the language specified in parentheses. This text appears as a tooltip when customers hover over the icon.
- Icon - The image file to be displayed on the product details page for the icon.
How Icons Appear to Customers
"Bluetooth" Icon with Tooltip